
Design Cases

Participating in Design Cases provided valuable insights into the functioning and interests of companies. Designing solutions for them not only improved my skills in design, but also in presentation, and user research

For the design case held by Warner Music, my teammates and I designed an innovative music experience. We created a concept for a speaker that transformed music into artwork, which was then projected on walls, allowing for a different way to experience surround sound.

For the design case held by KTC, we came up with user personas and an app concept for their project LearnWithLocals. Our marketing strategy was to encourage people to gain teaching experience, earn some extra cash, and make friends. Inspired by Tinder, our concept app matched learners with teachers based on shared interests and hobbies, aiming to attract more users to the platform.


I take pride in my creativity, which fuels my passion for creating. Whether it's stories, DIY projects, or videos, I love expressing my creativity. I enjoy crafting intricate birthday cards with 3D elements like popping flowers and cool paper mechanisms. I also love writing stories in the form of novellas or poetry. My passion for video editing began with high school projects and creative trailer-making competitions (Boovie Festival Romania).

When designing, I incorporate my passions by creating stories when designing the user experience of a product, using my passion for DIY when prototyping and editing presentation videos of my design projects.